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Return to login page

Step 1:

To begin, left-click 'Sign in' at the bottom of the homepage

Step 2:

A new window will appear asking you to enter your email address; once entered left-click 'Continue'

Step 3:

A new window will appear asking you to enter a password (min 8 characters); once entered left-click 'Done'

Step 4:

A new window will appear asking you to confirm your login details. At this stage, sign in to your email account and open the email entitled 'Confirm email address for Persona'. Within this email left-click "Confirm your address now".

It will take a maximum of 5 minutes for the confirmation email to send; if you haven't received the email within this time, you may have entered your email address incorrectly, so start Step 1 again.

Step 5:

Your internet browser will then take you to the login page again, where you will be automatically logged in, ready to use the tool.

Finally, to begin your action plan, left-click 'CREATE PLAN'